Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday Favorites: Music to my eyes...

Monday, November 29, 2010
Tie one on!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Drowning in a sea of blue...

Thursday, November 4, 2010
A little inspiration

image from BH&G magazine
I think I'll use an apple green in place of the blue accents but the layering of fabrics is what really appeals to me. It also seems light and bright (not in my badly scanned copy of the pic but in glossy mag form) despite the fact that the room is anchored by such a dark piece of furniture (similar to our new sofaroonie).
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Feeling a little Halloween-ish
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
So fa, so good.

Then I saw this curvaceous creature...

Then, we went to the LaZ Boy store. Not necessarily known for its sofas but my mom got her couch and loveseat there so I knew it was a good place to check out. Plus, you can match any style with any of their custom fabrics which might be a little more expensive but would give us a better range of options. Right when we walked in, I saw her. The Laurel. Two cushion design, button tufting detail, and, best of all, she's RED. But J nixed red sofas back in '03 when we bought our first furniture so I just mentioned that I liked the design. He agreed and after wondering around the store for 20 minutes or so we agreed that it was our favorite. Yes! We agreed on something!!! I ask the sales clerk what other stock colors it came in and Josh interrupted with "What? Don't you like the red? I think it looks good."
EEEEEERRRRRRK! (That's the sound of me slamming on my mental breaks.) We both like the red?!? Because I couldn't believe it, I almost talked myself out of the bold choice but in the end, we've decided to go with it. I get the WORST buyers remorse so I did sleep on it. The awesome part about me waiting a day to purchase was that we got $100 off if we brought in a bag of groceries for a food drive (which we still need to drop off, oops). Score one for not rushing into a big purchase and saving some moolah! So without further ado, here is our new sofa.

Can you believe I went from a breezy white slipcovered look to a stiff and formal "burlap" camelback to a retro-esque RED! I can't really either. We'll see about that buyers remorse when it all gets delivered on Wednesday. Just kidding. Maybe. No, I love it. I think.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The key (and garage door opener) to my heart

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Rolling out the red carpet...literally.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Almost 3 and already working us...
Monday, October 18, 2010
2 months!
I'm glad you can't really see, but she's wearing a "Friday" shirt on Monday (gasp!)
Sorry to have been away for so long (geez-louise! almost a month!) but it has been a packed 4 weeks. Leaving New Orleans, a trip to Missouri and the Pecan Fest, and a 5 day drive through 6 states. We're living in temporary housing on base in Las Vegas until we close on our house. Hopefully, we'll get back into the swing of things soon and I'll be a blogger extraodinaire! I can't wait to share all my decorating adventures and misadventures as we make the new house our home.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A new front door

Friday, September 17, 2010
One Month!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010
House Hunting

Typical house in Vegas (...at least in our price range)
Um...I can't even see the front door!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wall stencils
I love the look of a tone on tone paint job and in the past have thought that I'd alternate stripes using a flat and high-gloss paint. Now, I'm thinking a stencil is the way to go. I love Brocade No. 1.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Revolving Roundup: Monthly Baby Pics
So I'm starting a new "feature" here on the old bloggeroo called "Revolving Roundup." There will be a whole slew of topics and I hope to do it once a month. It will be a group of images that I like all on the same theme (tacos, fall shoes, orange accessories, favorite kitchen gadgets, etc...you get the idea). Sometimes I might use it for you, my stellar readers, to help me figure out which item/thing to choose. That is the case with this first "roundup."
I took a pic of The G each month through her 1st birthday in the same pose with a stuffed animal (check out the first 6 months HERE). My fantastic friend Jamie sent us a cute blankie bear thingy that had her name embroidered on it and it worked out smashingly. But, I don't have anything cute like that for Miss E. So, after scouring the internet, these are the ideas I found that I'm thinking about using. Her 1 month b-day is this Friday people so I don't have a ton of time!
1. From John and Sherry at Young House Love. They use different fabric each week (I'm only going for a monthly shot...these peeps are over achievers!) and photoshop in the number on her onesie to coordinate. I don't know about the shot from above once E gets older. I don't think she'll lay down and cooperate as easily. What I do love about this is that you can later use the fabric for a quilt, birthday banner, table runner, whatever.
2.From Bless Our Nest. I love that this is more consistent with what I did with G but I havent been able to track down a little chalkboard and a whiteboard just doesn't have the same flair.
3. I can't not share the creative genius of Adele at Mila's Daydreams. This is AMAZING but way above and beyond what I want to do. You should check out this blog. This momma takes a few pics a WEEK like this. She makes up a backdrop while her daughter sleeps where she imagines what precious is dreaming about. Do some people make you feel so inadequate? I'm OK with my inadequacies...I'm just proud of myself for vacuuming once a week (usually. ok. once every 2 weeks.) and making sure everyone gets dinner before 8 p.m. Hee hee.
4. darielacrua posted these shots on flickr. I like the child in the same onesie and chair because it shows her change in size.
5. This shot by photoemagery is super cute. I like the alphabet/number blocks (crap! I need to get some of those) and I could include a favorite book each month (except that there is no fave book of Miss E right now...unless you count the 8 gazillion times I've looked at What to Expect the First Year).
So, what do you think??? Let me know your faves!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
what The G is up to

Monday, August 30, 2010

- She moved out of our room and slept (sort of) in her own for the first time Friday night.
- Saturday was my first time flying solo with my girls (and it was for 24 hours!).
- E's umbilical cord fell off (yay!). This is my least favorite thing about newborns...its so icky!
Also, I know that babies don't REALLY smile until around a month old, but E is the smilin'-est girl I have ever seen. She's constantly grinning. I know, I know. It's just a reflex or something, but man, it's sure cute.
Monday, August 23, 2010
She's here!
so sweet
A family of four!!!
My little salt and pepper girls!
Friday, August 13, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010
Favorite things...

Spanish Moss & Live Oaks -- while the idea of little buggies living in this beautiful silvery green moss creeps me out, I've learned to love the way it looks...especially at Audubon Park
Audubon Park -- The fam spent a lot of time here, taking walks, having a Whole Foods picnic... it's just a beautiful place and I'm going to miss all the green when we move to the land of brown/orange (pic from October 2008 taken at the park)
- March through May -- the weather is amazing and everything is green and blooming
- Festivals -- there is never a dull moment here in NOLA. The big events (Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest, Voodoo Fest, etc) get a lot of publicity and are fun but the good stuff, in my opinion, are the little fairs and fests. Gretna Fest is awesome and most of the Catholic churches here have little festivals with delicious food, great music, and friendly people. Its just fun. Period.
There are more but I guess 9 hours of sleep today isn't enough for my brain to function at its fullest potential. Maybe I'll keep this as an ongoing story...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What do I do now?
The girls a few nights ago
Also, I'm trying to come up with a new design and NAME for the blog. I don't want Baby #2 to feel slighted because the title was MMG and Me. So I'm trying some stuff out...bear with me.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Catching up...
making cookies