Monday, November 29, 2010

Tie one on!

I really want G to have an apron (or two!) for her play kitchen. I'd love to make it myself and even have a pattern ready to go. I feel that by blogging about this little project, I'm more accountable and apt to get 'er done! I love the 3 aprons below (especially the one from PB) and am going to use them for inspiration. Wish me luck! And please forgive me if come December 25th one of these finds its way under our tree... my time is more monopolized these days with a certain little bundle of JOY!

Gagie Pagie Pudding Pie
Gagie Pagie Pudding Pie


Friday, November 5, 2010

Drowning in a sea of blue...

...painters tape. It's everywhere! We are painting our entire house with the exception of G and E's bath and bedrooms. The house is white, white, white and with the addition of our red furniture it looks very unfinished and stark. The goal is to completely finish the downstairs before Thanksgiving and the visit from all the in-laws. Lofty goal with 2 small kiddos. We shall see if we succeed.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A little inspiration

Now that we have our fab new red couch, chair, and ottoman I am getting excited to accessorize and pull the room together. Here is my inspiration pic:

image from BH&G magazine

I think I'll use an apple green in place of the blue accents but the layering of fabrics is what really appeals to me. It also seems light and bright (not in my badly scanned copy of the pic but in glossy mag form) despite the fact that the room is anchored by such a dark piece of furniture (similar to our new sofaroonie).

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Feeling a little Halloween-ish

We didn't decorate the house or carve a pumpkin but boy did we celebrate! It even felt fall-ish here. My little snack-o-lantern is wearing the same outfit G wore at 10 months...and she's only 10 weeks. Hee hee. We've been calling her the chunklet.

Getting ready to trick-or-treat

Mommy and Daddy got to go out, too! Name those costumes...(put on your thinking caps people!)

Monday, November 1, 2010

A new verb???

Apparently, the verb for having hiccups (according to G) is "hickin up." Ha!