Thursday, January 31, 2008

1 month!!!

Well, M had her 1 month check-up on Monday. She's doing great and weighs in at a whopping 9 lbs. 8 oz. That's a gain of 2 lbs in 20 days (J did the math and that's 1 1/2 oz a day). She also grew 1 3/4 inches in that time, too.

She's getting to be such a funny little girl. She actually cries "Waa, waa" when she wants some attention. We're enjoying the "real" smiles...the first one we saw was on the 26th. We still get the drunk, eye-rolling smiles when she's snoozin'. This has been a month that I can't describe with words. I can only say that we're blessed and can't imagine our lives without sweet MMG.!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2 weeks old!

I had my 2 week birthday today and it was a doozy! I slept, ate, and pooped, plus I had a check-up doctor's appointment. I weigh in at a hefty 7 lbs. 8 oz now and am getting a second chin.

I'm still wearing newborn diapers. I tried out the size 1's but they were just too giant and we don't want anything sneaking out the top while I'm snoozing. My mom's glad because she can't believe how fast I'm growing (plus those tiny diapers are just so darn cute!).

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Finally here!

Well, now that I've got a few minutes I thought I'd share all the great news of the birth of MMG. We were blessed that my mom and dad where here to celebrate Christmas and witness (from the hallway) the birth of their first grandbaby. My water broke DURING church on Christmas Eve. We came home to pick up my bag, where I had a small glass of eggnog (booze free of course), then headed to the hospital. We checked in around 6:30 p.m. and VOILA...19 hours later she was here.

My sister and her husband also came to visit already and M's Nana and G-pop (J's parents) are visiting in a couple of weeks.

J is lucky enough to be off work until Saturday the 5th so for the next couple of days we're just hanging out staring at our new little bundle.

For those that are wondering we're calling her M for the most part. Although, Lolly also works its way into the mix. Even when she's 40 years old (dear goodness what a thought) she'll still be our little lolly-pop!