Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What do I do now?

G has made some little friends in our neighborhood in the past couple of weeks. Yet another perk of living on base, so much easier to get to know the neighbors. There are 3 little girls who are all 4 and usually they play outside while I watch from the front porch and read or mediate the little arguments. The other little girls roam more freely, going from house to house, but G is still too young for me to turn her loose. Anyway, today one of the girls came over to see if she could play but her mom wanted her inside because its so hot. So, G is at her first playdate at someone else's house without me! I am going to go get her before lunch. I'm not sure what to do with myself!!! I considered a shower but what fun is that? Any suggestions? :-) Maybe I'll just veg out on the couch! I think Designed to Sell is on...

By the way, the mom is a cartographer. How cool is that!?! I love me some maps!

The girls a few nights ago

Also, I'm trying to come up with a new design and NAME for the blog. I don't want Baby #2 to feel slighted because the title was MMG and Me. So I'm trying some stuff out...bear with me.

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

You could try something cunning and fresh like mine... The Wickes Family! OK, so not that cool. I love your creativity with the blog. If I had a clue how to do this ours would look much more fun. Suggestions... do nothing or everything, just enjoy it.