Thursday, January 15, 2009

Famous Daddy

M is so proud of her Daddy these days. I'm not sure how many of you know, but J's squadron here sits alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Kinda like fireman. J doesn't take a turn very often because the part-time Nat'l Guard guys usually do it but he sat alert Sunday. He got "scrambled" (called out) for a plane that had radioed in a distress signal. They went out and to make a long story short, the plane crashed. It has turned into a giant national news story because it was a man trying to fake his out death!!!

Anyway, yesterday Josh was on the Fox News channel twice! First on Fox & Friends (watch it HERE), then on Greta Van Susteren show (I can't find a clip of this one). Anyway, for those of you that know Josh, you realize that this is not really his cup of tea. So, after his two big appearances yesterday he decided to take today off work. We made plans to leave around 9 a.m. to go do a little shopping but ours plans were thwarted by J's fame. He's gone right now to do a taping for the show Inside Edition (I'll let you know what time it'll air), then off to do an interview for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, and later this afternoon will be on the local news here. Poor guy. On top of all that its not even on the station that he likes to watch (because he's got a thing for the weather girl :-). So, while it was fun for a while, the novelty has worn off and unless we get any perks from all this (tickets to the Oscars anyone?) we're ready for it all to blow over. I can only thin of one word to describe Marcus Schrenker...idiot.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm a girl, for goodness sakes!!!

The past week has seen an influx of "Oh, isn't your little boy sweet." And, "Isn't he a cutie!" What?!? When M was smaller, I expected it. People don't pay attention and let's face it, old people just can't see. Last week, the man at the drycleaning place says "You put sparkly sandals on little boy?" and even Maddie's own pediatrician walked into the room and said "He's sure growing. Oh wait, I thought you had a girl. Oops, (looking down at her chart) her name is Madelyn. Sorry."

Then the final straw was on Sunday, when a friend and I (and MMG) went down to the French Quarter for lunch and a little shopping. SIX people called her a boy. The 4th time I snapped. We were cruising past the art vendors around St. Louis Cathedral and a group of 4 or so twenty-something guys said "Look at the little ladybug" and as we got just passed them I overheard one of them say "or lady-boy?" I stopped dead in my tracks and asked "Would you put a ladybug hat on a little boy. I wouldn't. She's a girl!!!" Then, 2 more people commented on his cuteness. Granted, I didn't have in all pink but that doesn't seem to matter. She was wearing a little red pea coat, jeans, ruffly white socks and red patent leather mary janes. On top of that, there was a pink blanket drapped across her lap! Come on people, take 2 seconds, look around, and stop being such idiots!

Do we live in a world that is so fast-paced that people can't take a moment to take in the whole picture before offending me OVER, and OVER, and OVER again?! Or, is it so bad, that I should get her extensions for what I think is the most precious head of fuzzy blonde fluff that has ever graced the head of a toddler?

I realize that while I think she is the most beautiful, cute, and amazing baby that ever lived, others don't always share my opinions (except for Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, G-pop, and Aunt Jenny). I do however hold the delusion that those of you with kids or nieces and nephews that you award top prize to, find my M to be the runner-up in the world's greatest baby contest. Don't correct me if I'm wrong about that, just let me live in my beautiful baby girl wonderland!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

M's Latest and Greatest Accomplishments

Still no pictures. Still trying to get our computer fixed. But, at M's 1 year check-up we found out that she weighs 19.7 pounds and is 30 inches tall. Not sure how that compares but I think she's a bit of a lightweight. She's officially moved into her forward facing car seat (today) and it didn't go too great. She was sleepy in the car and normally she would fall asleep no problem. I think there was just too much to look at so she fought off Winken, Blinken, and Nod until we got home.

Also, she's quite the talker. If we only understood a thing she was saying!!! She does say dada, mama (only when she's crying), bye-bye (just twice), uh-oh (all the time!), and when asked about Santa, she says "ho, ho, ho." She even did the last one on cue at for the doctor when he asked if she was talking yet. She almost exclusively walks now and only crawls when she's really tired. She thinks she can run, but is sorely (literally) mistaken. And, she's discovered climbing...ahh, what a joy that is.

I've started a new semester of school which looks like its going to be pretty demanding time-wise. A lot of busy work which I hate. Give me two or three BIG assignments over a bunch of little ones any day. We're headed into Mardi Gras season here and are going to a ball this Saturday, followed by the Cleopatra parade February 13th which I'm riding in. Then on the 21st we go to the Endymion Extravaganza in the SuperDome...I need to get rested up for that one!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to add a quick post so everyone knew we were still doing good here in New Orleans! We traveled to California to celebrate Christmas with J's parents, grandparents, and brothers. Then we headed off to Missouri to see my family. It was a wonderful holiday and things are starting to get back to normal here at "home." There was an incident with our computer so it might be awhile before I post some pictures but hopefully I'll figure something out soon. M is wonderful...she's almost up to a run, although it usually ends in a fall. We go for her 1 year check-up and shots tomorrow and I think the doctor will know she's walking just by giving her a once over. She's covered in bruises :-) The weather's been glorious here and we spent most of the day outside. She prefers the concrete in the back to the grass, which added significantly to the signs of walking on her little knees. Thanks for sticking with me...sorry we've been away for so long!