Saturday, October 23, 2010

So fa, so good.

Because we have a bonus room in the new pad (woo hoo! a place to stash toys!), we'll be getting new furniture for the great room downstairs. For the longest time, I thought I wanted something like this...

This is the Carlisle sofa from Pottery Barn and I like the English arm and the two cushion set up. After the big, unstructured sofa that we've had for the past 7 years this seemed like a great option because it provided the slightly more formal look I was going for but kept it easy and breezy with a slip-cover (although I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with a covered coucheroo). However, the $1600+ price tag didn't make me too excited and I haven't ever gotten to actually sit on it. No PB seems to carry it in their small store and I only buy if I can test drive, er, sit(boo).

Then I saw this curvaceous creature...

The Jefferson by Bassett came out of nowhere. A worthy contender with beautiful little legs and a gorgeous (hopefully, dirt forgiving) linen-esque fabric (J called it nice looking burlap, but what does he know?). The price was also appealing at a mere $999 at the BX with NO TAX!!! However, I felt like the camelback style was a little too formal for our family. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.

Then, we went to the LaZ Boy store. Not necessarily known for its sofas but my mom got her couch and loveseat there so I knew it was a good place to check out. Plus, you can match any style with any of their custom fabrics which might be a little more expensive but would give us a better range of options. Right when we walked in, I saw her. The Laurel. Two cushion design, button tufting detail, and, best of all, she's RED. But J nixed red sofas back in '03 when we bought our first furniture so I just mentioned that I liked the design. He agreed and after wondering around the store for 20 minutes or so we agreed that it was our favorite. Yes! We agreed on something!!! I ask the sales clerk what other stock colors it came in and Josh interrupted with "What? Don't you like the red? I think it looks good."

EEEEEERRRRRRK! (That's the sound of me slamming on my mental breaks.) We both like the red?!? Because I couldn't believe it, I almost talked myself out of the bold choice but in the end, we've decided to go with it. I get the WORST buyers remorse so I did sleep on it. The awesome part about me waiting a day to purchase was that we got $100 off if we brought in a bag of groceries for a food drive (which we still need to drop off, oops). Score one for not rushing into a big purchase and saving some moolah! So without further ado, here is our new sofa.

Can you believe I went from a breezy white slipcovered look to a stiff and formal "burlap" camelback to a retro-esque RED! I can't really either. We'll see about that buyers remorse when it all gets delivered on Wednesday. Just kidding. Maybe. No, I love it. I think.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The key (and garage door opener) to my heart

We picked up the keys to the house today! Super fun! Its a little different here in Nevada than it was in Louisiana. Instead of getting the keys at closing (aka the hand-cramping event of signing all those papers), you get the keys once the title is filed. A little lame-o if you ask me. I like the whole scene that we all watch on HGTV of signing the last paper then having the person across the table dangle your keys and pass them to you. But, such is life in Las Vegas. Here's J with our packet - keys, garage door opener, codes for the gates in our neighborhood (I live in a gated posh am I?), and info for signing up for utilities (bleh). Can't wait until Tuesday when we get our stuff and we can finally move in!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rolling out the red carpet...literally.

We did the final walk thru and signed ALL the papers for our house! It was a little bittersweet for me because I vowed that we wouldn't buy another house until J retired/separated but here we are again. Homeowners. But, I'm excited about getting out of this tiny temporary lodging and decorating the interior of the house. We officially have another front door and set of keys. Here are a few shots of my girls at the walk thru. The home builder actually put out a red carpet and this welcome home sign. A little cheesy, but who doesn't like a little gruyere now and then?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Almost 3 and already working us...

G and I had a talk awhile back about not using the word "hate." I told her it was a very STRONG word and that we shouldn't use it when we didn't really mean it (especially about food which is what started the conversation). Well, first off, she calls us out on it everytime we say it. Which is A LOT. Goes a little something like this:

Me: I really hate it when that happens. (insert random everyday scenario here).
G: You said hate. Mom, we don't use those hate words.
In the past few days, she's taken it to a whole new level of almost-three-year-old-iness. She's started saying things like...
G: Tomatoes...I "hey" those... I didn't say hate!
My girl is already figuring out how to work around those pesky things I like to call RULES. Sneeky, berry berry sneaky.

Monday, October 18, 2010

2 months!

E is officially 2 months old! She's doing great and is loved dearly by all of us, especially her big sis.

I'm glad you can't really see, but she's wearing a "Friday" shirt on Monday (gasp!)

Sorry to have been away for so long (geez-louise! almost a month!) but it has been a packed 4 weeks. Leaving New Orleans, a trip to Missouri and the Pecan Fest, and a 5 day drive through 6 states. We're living in temporary housing on base in Las Vegas until we close on our house. Hopefully, we'll get back into the swing of things soon and I'll be a blogger extraodinaire! I can't wait to share all my decorating adventures and misadventures as we make the new house our home.