Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3 months old!!!

At 3 months I'm more fun for my mommy & daddy than ever! I love to laugh and smile, practice standing up, and kick and wave my hands around. I had a very happy Easter even though Daddy said I looked like Little House on the Prairie in my bonnet.

I also LOVE to sleep at night. I usually go to sleep around 9 p.m. and wake up at 4 a.m. so mommy can come put my pacifier back in (it's really just a trick because I miss her so much). But then I go right back to sleep until 6:30 or 7 a.m. Woo Hoo!!! ~MMG

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

2 Months and Laughing -- music to my ears!

Well, M laughed out loud for the first time yesterday. She had made little chuckle noises that I called laughs but yesterday she hee-hawed out loud over and over and over. It was VERY COOL. We were at her doctor's appointment and she was laying in just her diaper on the table. We had been waiting a VERY long time (that's the last time I go the the doctor after school lets out) and she had been so good. She was smiling and cooing at me, then all of a sudden...ha ha ha ha. It wasn't at all the sound I would've expected her to make, actually it was kinda awkward but to me it was a beautiful sound!