Thursday, January 15, 2009

Famous Daddy

M is so proud of her Daddy these days. I'm not sure how many of you know, but J's squadron here sits alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Kinda like fireman. J doesn't take a turn very often because the part-time Nat'l Guard guys usually do it but he sat alert Sunday. He got "scrambled" (called out) for a plane that had radioed in a distress signal. They went out and to make a long story short, the plane crashed. It has turned into a giant national news story because it was a man trying to fake his out death!!!

Anyway, yesterday Josh was on the Fox News channel twice! First on Fox & Friends (watch it HERE), then on Greta Van Susteren show (I can't find a clip of this one). Anyway, for those of you that know Josh, you realize that this is not really his cup of tea. So, after his two big appearances yesterday he decided to take today off work. We made plans to leave around 9 a.m. to go do a little shopping but ours plans were thwarted by J's fame. He's gone right now to do a taping for the show Inside Edition (I'll let you know what time it'll air), then off to do an interview for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, and later this afternoon will be on the local news here. Poor guy. On top of all that its not even on the station that he likes to watch (because he's got a thing for the weather girl :-). So, while it was fun for a while, the novelty has worn off and unless we get any perks from all this (tickets to the Oscars anyone?) we're ready for it all to blow over. I can only thin of one word to describe Marcus Schrenker...idiot.


Tiffany Wickes said...

No way dude, I always watch fox and I haven't seen him! I'll be looking now.

Tripp said...

That's pretty crazy. When we heard about that over here, I thought that Josh's squadron might have been involved, but what are the odds?

J-Dib said...

I always knew your husband was destined for stardom. :)

Tripp said...
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Tripp said...

Incidentally, Carrie, I gave Josh a shout out on my own blog on this one. I have to ask, though: did he have dip in while he was giving the Fox interview?