Sunday, January 11, 2009

M's Latest and Greatest Accomplishments

Still no pictures. Still trying to get our computer fixed. But, at M's 1 year check-up we found out that she weighs 19.7 pounds and is 30 inches tall. Not sure how that compares but I think she's a bit of a lightweight. She's officially moved into her forward facing car seat (today) and it didn't go too great. She was sleepy in the car and normally she would fall asleep no problem. I think there was just too much to look at so she fought off Winken, Blinken, and Nod until we got home.

Also, she's quite the talker. If we only understood a thing she was saying!!! She does say dada, mama (only when she's crying), bye-bye (just twice), uh-oh (all the time!), and when asked about Santa, she says "ho, ho, ho." She even did the last one on cue at for the doctor when he asked if she was talking yet. She almost exclusively walks now and only crawls when she's really tired. She thinks she can run, but is sorely (literally) mistaken. And, she's discovered climbing...ahh, what a joy that is.

I've started a new semester of school which looks like its going to be pretty demanding time-wise. A lot of busy work which I hate. Give me two or three BIG assignments over a bunch of little ones any day. We're headed into Mardi Gras season here and are going to a ball this Saturday, followed by the Cleopatra parade February 13th which I'm riding in. Then on the 21st we go to the Endymion Extravaganza in the SuperDome...I need to get rested up for that one!

1 comment:

Tripp said...

Jenn's sore because for a long time, Elizabeth would only say "mama" when she was mad. Sounds like Miss Maddie's doing well, though! We'd love to see her sometime.