Wednesday, September 10, 2008

8 months!!!

Well, this post is VERY late. I'm going to blame it on living on the Gulf coast. Things aren't quite back to normal here yet. I only bought a few groceries in case Ike landed here (looks like we're OK though). Also, because of power outages, things aren't really open back up only, no milk at the grocery store, etc. J is working 3-24 hour days in a row with 2 days off in between and we still have most of our windows boarded up (because J isn't home and I can't take them down by myself :-). Alright, back to MMG...

This pic was taken August 25th, the day she turned 8 months old. She has two little teeth and started crawling last week. She's also pulling up on stuff so we have gotten rid of our coffee table and picked EVERYTHING up off the floor. She gets really frustrated because she wants to walk but she's definately not ready yet (or maybe I'm not ready yet).

It's been pretty stressful for me because I've had to start telling her "no." Yesterday she kept messing with the VCR and stereo. After numerous no's I finally put her in her crib for a couple minutes. She was REALLY angry with me but I was also the only person to comfort her. Man, that was no fun at all. I know, its only the beginning...don't stress me out with all the stories and I definately don't want to hear about the fights we'll have when she's a teenager!

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