Saturday, May 22, 2010

Is it worth it?!?

Today my sister and I went to the mall and the Old Navy was CRAZY!!! Apparently, the plastic flip flops were on sale. There were over 100 people in line! I am not exaggerating. People had 10+ pairs in their arms! Are those flops really worth it. Don't they only cost $3.50 in the first place. I'm allfor saving money but there are situations when my time is waaaay more valuable than my cash!

1 comment:

Curt and Moe said...

people at the Old Navy here are the SAME WAY! I mean, literally, if it's on sale, they have about 25 in their hands. Ummm, say buh-bye to that sale you just came in for! Way to over-indulge! :)