Saturday, May 15, 2010

McDonalds and sabotage.

G and I are at McDonalds today for lunch and Playplace time because its rainy, J is gone, and we both needed a little cheap entertainment. I swear this place is trying to fatten me up! Many of you are thinking "duh!" of course eating at McD's makes you fat but I am usually a defender of the fact that eating anything in moderation is OK. I don't agree that its evil or a bad place to eat every now and then. But, my last 2 visits have given me a reason to start questioning my defense of this favorite American chain. Lately when we eat here, G gets a mcnugget happy meal with apple dippers and I get a mcdouble with a fruit and yogurt parfait or a salad. But at our past 2 visits (about a month apart) they have given G fries instead of apples. They always quickly correct the mistake but then I'm left with a small fry staring me in the face. Seriously, it looks at me, taunting, calling out to me, begging to be eaten! Soooooooooooo tempting! I LOVE fries! And, I've been struggling a bit with my pregnancy weight this time around ( I only have 15 lbs left before I match my 1st pregnancy weight and with MMG I gained 2-3 lbs each week the last 3 weeks of the pregnancy) so I need to leave a little wiggle room for going the full 40 weeks. Anyway, I swear it's sabotage!!! Darn you McDonalds! (Forgive me Mickey D's, I'm sure we'll be back before J gets home from his trip. I didn't mean it. I love your salty goodness and golden arches!)

I did not succumb to the fry temptation!!!


Tiffany Wickes said...

You are a stronger women than me. I would have eaten the fries then worked out harder later. I can't step foot in that place or its bye bye waistline.

Curt and Moe said...

OH MY GOSH. Ava loves her some McDonald's fries! We only eat there when Curt's gone, too. Just too easy I think... I agree that everything in moderation is a-ok. I can't walk away from ANYTHING completely, it's just unnatural!!!!

jj said...

Way to go...fie on fries!