Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Potty training

I've decided its time. BUM, BUM, BUM!!!! Yes, we will be potty training. This afternoon G and I will be going to Barnes and Noble to get the Babywise potty training book. Yesterday, I bought underwear (Dora of course) and pull-ups (also Dora) and G helped pick them out. We fussed over what a big girl she is getting to be. I might also have to make a stop on the way home to get anything else the Pottywise book suggests. I know that I could probably do this on my own without reading a book but the 1st Babywise book gave me the confidence I was seriously lacking when G was a newborn so I'm hoping that this will be similar. If I'm confident, she'll do better, right?

I have a couple reasons for thinking the time is right. Its not because I don't like changing diapers. I don't mind at all in fact. Changing 4-5 a day right now seems WAY easier than cleaning up accidents, washing extra laundry, and carrying around a change of clothes again. But, I don't want her to be kept out of kindergarten because she can't do her business :-) So, back to my reasons for starting now. First, she likes to be diaper-free so maybe she'll like the feel of undies instead of her bulky diaper. Also, she'll usually "go" 3 out of 4 times when I set her on the toilet. Lately, she's been asking to go potty when she's at the gym day care. She's never done that at home but she's almost always willing when I suggest it. Also, I'm afraid that if it takes a LONG time, she'll slip back into accidents after the new baby comes or not be done training at all by then. Ahhhh! Two different sizes of diapers!!! I still remember the 12-14 diapers a day in those first couple of thank you!

I've read that the Pottywise method can be done in 4 days if that's all you do. Well, I've got 4 days my friends. So lets get to it! If anyone has any suggestions on tips/tricks/treats that worked well let me know!

So, being the super-smart mommy that I am, I decided to check my local B&N before driving over there to see if they have the book I want. And, no such luck. So, we will not "officially" start our potty training until I get the stupid book. Plus, I do not want to order it because I like thumbing through stuff before I purchase. Plus G likes to play with the train set at the bookstore. Bummer.

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

I am in the changing 2 different size diapers and it isn't all that hard. I agree though, sounds like she is ready. Nolan will be potty training when we go as home as well. He does all the same things she is doing. He is holding his bladder also. I know this because 1 minute the diaper will be dry and the next (I am talking the difference of 30 minutues) he has urinated through it. Good luck to you. Let me know if the book is helpful, I might pick it up!