Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The best day

Today, G has been my buddy for 2 years, 1 month, 1 week, and 1 day. We had the BEST day ever! Nothing specific to report, just that it was awesome. All parents out there, make sure that you are with your kiddi in that day of their life. Take off work, whatever you have to do. I'm convinced it's a great age, not just for my girl, but for all bambinos.

1 comment:

jj said...

Today is April 26 and I just found this entry in your blog...I missed it while I was doing other things (:, I guess. Anyway, I'm still going to comment...I am SO grateful that you and Josh have chosen for you to stay at home with Maddie. I know it is not without mental and financial sacrifice...but we are all so grateful and feel so blessed that you have made the choice that you have! We love you...MaMa, Mom and Dad