Thursday, January 7, 2010


I am not going to make a resolution to be a better blogger for 2010. I am not great at doing anything consistently, it's just not my style.

We had a great Christmas in Missouri with my parents and The G loved her first sled ride! My biggest task at hand, now that I've finished my Master's, is to integrate all the new toys from M's 2nd birthday and Christmas into the house. We even have gifts she didn't open that I'm saving for Valentine's, Easter basket, etc!!! The trick is going to be deciding which toys go to the attic for now.

Here are a few pics to catch you up.

The fam at my Aunt Deb's

Man, I've missed coveralls!!! They really flatter my figure :-)

Chillin' (literally) with Mommy!

Daddy helping with my birthday cake (Christmas funfetti...yum!).