Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Visit to the plantations

Visions of Gone with the Wind come to mind when I hear the term plantation and my expectations were fairly appropriate. Here in southern Louisiana they farmed sugar cane, not cotton, and still do today. We visited 2 places, Oak Alley (awesome) and Nottoway (snobby & pretentious). We couldn't take the stroller inside on the tour and our Miss G doesn't like to be held so she didn't make it one minute before J took her outside. But, because she's SOOO cute and the tour guide ladies couldn't resist the father/daughter duo, they got a private tour after the large group was done. There's nothing like a man and a baby to encourage people to be super-nice!!!

Josh, G, & I in front of a three-hundred year old live oak.

Oak Alley has a 1/4 mile walk-up from the Mississippi lined with 28 (I think) live oaks. It's breathtaking!

Josh & The G on their private tour.

The G & Aunt J in front of a live oak.

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

So, the last photo was of you and Maddie. The Oak trees do look incredible. I would have given them a private tour. Dads and babies are precious. Especially dads with their little girls.