Monday, August 30, 2010


Friday night and Saturday were big for Baby E and our newly established family of 4.

  • She moved out of our room and slept (sort of) in her own for the first time Friday night.

  • Saturday was my first time flying solo with my girls (and it was for 24 hours!).

  • E's umbilical cord fell off (yay!). This is my least favorite thing about newborns...its so icky!

Also, I know that babies don't REALLY smile until around a month old, but E is the smilin'-est girl I have ever seen. She's constantly grinning. I know, I know. It's just a reflex or something, but man, it's sure cute.

Monday, August 23, 2010

She's here!

Baby E made her grand entrance Tuesday, August 17 at 8:40 a.m. She weighed 8 lbs, 4 oz (1 1/2 lbs MORE than big sis!) and was 20 inches long (same as big sis!). We love her so much and hopefully everything will continue to go smoothly after my mom and sister leave (they are such a big help!). Here are some pics...

so sweet

A family of four!!!

My little salt and pepper girls!

Friday, August 13, 2010

We're still waiting on Baby to arrive. She officially owes 30 cents in late fees for the 2 days past due. Eating into her college fund already!!! We took a family (of 3) pic on my due date. The next family photo op will HOPEFULLY include 4 of us.
Also, here is a pic from today of our "bumper" crop of tomatoes. Seriously, this is the only one from my plant. One tomato. I am not a good gardener! I had meant to buy a cherry tomato plant but obviously I grabbed the wrong one and hoped that since it was the only one on the vine it would get big. Wrong. It has been so hard for G to resist plucking this beauty from the vine early but she held out until it was red. I think we'll eat it for supper tonight!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

40 weeks

OK. 40 weeks. Time for baby to arrive already!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010


I finally finished sewing my diaper bag. Who knows how much I'll actually use it but it was a fun project and I tried to incorporate pockets and stuff that I thought would be useful. Using J's flight suit is by no means an original idea but I'm just really proud of myself that I pulled it off.

I even made a little matching diaper bag for G so she could pack stuff for her dolls or baby sister if she wants.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


39 weeks -August, 4, 2010

With 4 days left until my due date, I'm starting to think about the fact that at any moment our lives will change FOREVER. For now, we are a family of 3 going about our day the same way we have been. In an instant, when we leave for the hospital, that will change. I had a little panic last night about telling G goodbye. J thinks he'll have to pry her from my arms. I know that life with Baby 2 will be awesome (most of the time) but for now, I mostly feel nervous about upsetting the apple cart that is "us."

This isn't my only concern. My current thoughts center around an internal debate on whether or not to wear heels to a party tonight (is it worth the Shaq sized cankles tomorrow?). This made me think that I was still a "well-rounded" (get it, ha!) girl, not just a desperate pregnant chick because I still had fashion on the brain, not just babies, but I guess the cankles are a direct result of the baby-ness. Darn. A one-track mind these days.