Thursday, July 22, 2010

New layout, etc.

So, I'm trying out some new layout options for the blog. I have yet to figure a few things out. Like whats with all the wonkiness with the pics... why are some no longer centered, why are there giant gaps between my captions and the pics, etc. I think that because I have a tiny bit of HTML code writing experience, I will be going crazy trying to fix this. If I didn't have a clue, I'd just leave it. Or maybe not. I'm a little fussy when it comes to things like that. That's why I always write in pencil :-)

Soon there will be a marvelous post on what we were up to during July. Oh yeah, it'll be a page-turner. For now, I'll say that I'm so excited about a book I just got from the library. You can find out more about it and its author HERE. I haven't even cracked the book but I already know its going to be one that I cherish (and might have to buy, although I want the British version because I like the cover more and figure some of the wording was probably changed for us Yanks in the US version). I read that it was better than The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. What?!? I loved that book!!!

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

You have time to read books?!?!?!?