Thursday, July 22, 2010

37 weeks...

37 weeks

36 weeks, G lovin' the baby

OK, now that I'm at 37 weeks we are "ready" for Baby to arrive. She still has no name and my mom's not scheduled to be here for another week and a half but since Baby's been brewing long enough now to be healthy there's no reason to keep her in there. As G says "Mom, just skeeze (squeeze) her out!"

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

Don't get too anxious. As my Bradley training taught me there was a study as recent at 1990 that stated human gestation is not 40 weeks rather 41 1/7 weeks. Our prematurity rate is some of the highest seen because of the thought that babies are done at 37 weeks. I can't wait to see her and you look incredible so keep on gestating! (is that even a word???)