Friday, April 16, 2010


As many of you know, "home" is a weird word when you or your spouse is in the military. J and I are lucky in the fact that our parents live in the houses we grew up in so that always gives some stability. But, this house, this concrete, brick, and wooden structure that we currently live in has been "home" for 2 years, 7 months, and and 21 days. The longest we've every lived somewhere in our 7 1/2 year marriage.

I like our house. It's comfortable, the colors are pretty, we have a good yard for a 2 year old, but it's by no means my dream home. Yet as we face our big move next week (more about that after I'm done lamenting), I find myself becoming pretty emotional about packing up. This is where I brought home my baby!!! This is her "home." She's great at adapting...she didn't bat an eye when we stayed in a one-room apartment in Montgomery for 5 weeks. She never hesitates to make a 3 week trip to Boo-ah's with stays at Sissy's mixed in. But, I am so concerned about uprooting her that I am getting weepy and crazy. I think I know that the baby is going to be such a big change that I feel guilty that she has to do both at the same time. And who knows how this will effect our progress with potty training! Yikes!

Anyway, we are blessed to have sold our house. Don't get too excited. We are LOSING money. We will be delivering a check on the day of closing (depressing). So its not like we're unique in the current market, we're just financially able right now to suck it up. We just didn't want to deal with the hassle of renting it out, then trying to fix it back up and sell it in a few years.

Anywho, we're moving on base for the next 5 months. That, too, is a blessing. We'll have 3 bedrooms, G and I will be able to walk to the playground (2 different ones actually), the swimming pool, and J will be home in 3-5 minutes instead of 30-50 after work. Also, we should save a little $$ since the utilities are included.

But still, I'm feeling a little sad. Plus we have to pack and move all our stuff ourselves!!!! We are not used to this and its going to stink. No ifs, ands, or buts about that. I hope our friends (who said they would help, I want to name them so they'd feel super-guilty if they back out) are up for the challenge because my big ole' belly isn't going to be a whole lot of good in the heavy lifting department. Did I mention that the new place has 2 floors...

Also, the stress of being unsure that closing will actually happen is killing me. I feel so helpless because it is all in the hands of the buyer at this point. What if we move on base next week then closing gets postponed and we have to pay another month of our mortgage! OR, what if it falls through all together!!! AHHHHHHH!!! I am stressed to the max.

Last but not least, Sonic will no longer be a quick trip down the road. I'll have to go out of my way for a root beer with awesome ice and an chili-cheese coney. :-(


Jenny said...

I know sissy :(
I still miss your house in England so I know I'll miss this one too.

Tiffany Wickes said...

Hang in there girl. It won't be long now until you all are settled and snuggling each other and the new little diva in your new home. Where are you going BTW?

Candie said...

Oh, Carrie, I totally get it. I've felt the same way each time I've left because it's been a special place...a place where we've welcomed home a new member of our famiy! But it will be fine, Maddie will do GREAT, and you will love your next home just as much, if not more! I'll be thinking of you guys! Hope the move, closing, etc all goes smoothly for you. Wish we were there to help!

Curt and Moe said...

I’m SURE everything will work out, Carrie!!! I have the same fears as you but I try to be optimistic and think about how great it is that Ava will see so much of the world before she’s even 18. It’s a great experience and you and Josh are amazing parents, and that’s what really matters. Keep the faith! It will all work out... I would help out your big pregnant belly if I were closer!!!!!!!

jj said...

Even though I'll miss your home there, too, thanks to a certain little girl and her fabulous antics, I have enough pictures of your little home to clog even Kodak! And in life, just like in the pictures, it's the little girls who are the center of attention and make the house worth remembering...That's true whether you live somewhere for 3 years, 3 months, or 30 years! We love you! Grandma Boo! and PaPa