What a few weeks we've had! Superbowl, Mardi Gras, a visit from Boo and Pa-pa, getting our house ready to sell... I am done-ski. We are ready for a little "regular" life around here. I think a little vegging out and watching the Olympics is just what the doctor ordered. Speaking of the doctor, I went to the emergency room two weeks ago at 4 a.m. to discover severe dehydration (I weighed 3 lbs less than the day before), a sinus infection, and a UTI. Blah. But, I'm all better now. And, it was a wake up call that I need to pay attention to drinking more water!!!
The G has been incredible lately. She amazes me every day with the sentences she says and the crazy things she comes up with. The other morning she was eating breakfast and asked for a "popafocle" (popsicle). When I said she couldn't have one until snack time (at least 10 a.m., right?) she looked at me, crossed her arms and said, "NOT FAIR!!!" Man, I thought I had a while before she started saying that!!! Oh well. She also has been saying "Boo-ya!" when she kicks or throws or bangs or whatever on something. It cracks me up. I think I'll keep her :-)