Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So, I've been doing a little gardening lately. I planted some caladiums in a small bed in the back corner of the yard and also cucumber, cherry tomatoes, basil (my favorite), and chives in pots on the patio.
While I am doing my best to keep them alive, M is more of an "ungardener." Check out this little clip to see what I mean!

Monday, April 27, 2009
A few of my favorite words...
Miss G's vocabulary is growing everday. Besides "uh-oh" "oh man" "oh no" and the all encompassing "dah", she's starting to say things that I actually recognize. This morning she said "nose" and she also says "dog" "da" (meaning Dad, not to be confused with dah). I'm still anxiously awaiting "mama" but I figure that when she crawls from J's lap to mine that's good enough.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Trip to Florida

Last weekend J, The G, and I went to Panama City, FL. I had to take a test for school (don't ask, agh!) and we made it into a mini vacation and a visit with our friends. The weather was nice although not great for the beach but we headed out anyway and M loved playing in the sand. Here are a few shots of her and J (I can always count on him to dig a big hole in the sand!).
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Getting hurt when trying to help the environment
OK, so I was trying to be environmentally friendly today by drying the quilt for our bed outside instead of in the dryer. And what do I get for my efforts...bird poop! Seriously. So instead of using the energy to dry the dumb thing, now I have to wash it again AND dry it in the dryer anyway so I can use it tonight. Being green = bah!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Happy Easter!
I hop (I mean hope :-) everyone had a wonderful Easter. It's such a promising time. There is new life all around us, outside in the blooms and blossoms, and within with Jesus Christ our Savior. This time of year makes me miss England and seeing all the baby lambs, pigs, and calves in the fields (stinkin' US. Why are all the animals locked away in barns or mucking it up in feed lots?!). It always overwhelms me with a sense of excitment and enthusiasm for things to come. We had a wonderful weekend of dying Easter eggs, celebrating the resurrection with our church family, and then having a wonderful lunch with friends.

This was The G's first time dying eggs and she really got into it. We took everything outside, coated her with SPF 50, and let her have at it. She broke 6 of the 12 eggs but we dyed and hid them anyway.

She was also a pro at egg hunting.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Multiple MMG's
So my mom and dad recently sent a request for Multiple MMG's. Is that a hint that they want another grandchild or just an exact clone of Miss G to keep at their house? As The G goes on a destruction rampage through our house I'm thinking that the clone is more likely:-)
Just like everyone across the US, we're experiencing a bit of cold (OK, cool) weather and I sure am glad we played outside as much as we did over the weekend! We're off to do a little shopping today and I've got to find a jacket for M. She's outgrown most of her winter stuff and I didn't buy a jacket because, come on people!, it's April in New Orleans!!!

Just like everyone across the US, we're experiencing a bit of cold (OK, cool) weather and I sure am glad we played outside as much as we did over the weekend! We're off to do a little shopping today and I've got to find a jacket for M. She's outgrown most of her winter stuff and I didn't buy a jacket because, come on people!, it's April in New Orleans!!!

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