Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mighty MO

The G and I are livin' it up at my mom & dad's in Missouri. We're enjoying the company but NOT the weather. I usually don't mind chilly weather (love sweaters, hats, and scarves) but G & I have gotten used to going outside everyday to play (plus she sleeps so much better after she runs around and wears herself out). It's not just cool, it's downright cold. The wind is biting but at least there's some sunshine today. I'm usually such a big fan of MO (especially when something in New Orleans has ticked me off) but this gives me a reason to be glad I live in NOLA. M wore shorts and a t-shirt the day before we came home for goodness sakes!

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

Oh goodness you feel my pain!!! I have to live with this butt a** cold weather from mid Sept thru beginning of May. I'm flat sick of Alaska. Take in the warm weather for us.