J & I took G for her first bike ride on Wednesday. It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day. We went to Abita Springs (north of Lake Ponchatrain) for lunch then rode on the Tammany Trace trail. It's part of the program Rails to Trails where old unused railways are turned into bike/walking/jogging paths. I'm not usually one to get into causes but this is something that I can really stand behind. The paths are beautiful because even if they run through towns, they are surrounded by trees so only a few of the icky run-down trailers that were once right next to the tracks peek through :-). Unfortunately, in an effort to take the more scenic route in the swamp, we (OK, I), sent us the wrong direction (northwest instead of south...what is it about this darn state that makes me lose my sense of direction?) and we ended up going through a town. It wasn't bad because the trail was marked but we had to ride on some small streets with traffic (minimal) which we didn't want to do with The G. It was still a great success, for J and I at least.

M sat in her little bike trailer much like she does in her stroller. She just gives us the "OK, I'll tolerate this because I love you guys but this isn't my idea of fun" face. She's just too wiggly to be constrained for any amount of time right now. The best part was her bike helmet.

AWESOME!!! Do you all get tired of me saying awesome? I use it a lot when talking about the G but it just describes her so perfectly!
You are the cutest ever in your bike helmet...since when did safety get so adorable?!!!!
Glad your kiddo is AWESOME these days. We are stuck traveling around WA because we can't fly into AK (volcano). Nolan isn't sleeping well so his fits are...awesome. He has learned to say "no" and is a pro at sitting through his 1 minute time-outs (frequent these days). I did wake up with his little lips kissing me the other morning so all was forgiven...for now :)
are you seriously kidding me with how cute that bike helmut is??? i love it, she's so cute. awesome is a perfect way to describe her, she reminds me so much of you and josh. she's just so chill, i love it...
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