And, on to bigger news. MMG is 5 months old now! Can you believe it?!? Here's the typical pic of her in her crib with her bear blankie (thanks Jamie). She's finally rolling over and is really close to sitting up by herself. I'll be glad so we can stop carrying the carseat around cause, man, it's getting heavy.
Thanks for checking in on our little family now and then.
Hey, I'm stoked to see you guys will be blogging here now as well. I am looking foward to seeing videos and more pictures of all of you guys. I find the videos take a while to load but during his naps I have the time...you know when I'm not paying bills, cooking, cleaning and overall just keeping the home fires burning. I'm happy though and wouldn't have it any other way!
You guys are too cute!! Try mixing that boring ole cereal with some mashed bananas, applesauce or sweet potatoes and she'll scarf it right up! :) I've got some organic, home-made baby food recipes if you're feeling ambitious. :) Miss you guys tons! You should come back for the Hughes trophy party.
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