Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Almost 3 and already working us...

G and I had a talk awhile back about not using the word "hate." I told her it was a very STRONG word and that we shouldn't use it when we didn't really mean it (especially about food which is what started the conversation). Well, first off, she calls us out on it everytime we say it. Which is A LOT. Goes a little something like this:

Me: I really hate it when that happens. (insert random everyday scenario here).
G: You said hate. Mom, we don't use those hate words.
In the past few days, she's taken it to a whole new level of almost-three-year-old-iness. She's started saying things like...
G: Tomatoes...I "hey" those... I didn't say hate!
My girl is already figuring out how to work around those pesky things I like to call RULES. Sneeky, berry berry sneaky.


Candie said...

I love it!! It just makes me giggle because I can totally see our two girls being so very mischievous together. They would be best of friends, no doubt! Glad you made it to LV safely!

Curt and Moe said...

ha! and "berry, berry smart!" :)