Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good news...

M has been tear-free two days in a row when I dropped her off at daycare! Yay! Plus, apparently she used the potty chair at daycare today. Does that mean we need to start potty-training at home? I don't think that's something we'll work on until I'm back at home with her.

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

Awesome news, sounds like she's adjusting to the new routine. I think Nolan may be ready for potty training too. He tells me "poop" right before he goes and has said "potty" a few times but when put on it fails to perform. He has peed in it a couple times. We aren't fully integrating it as we just did big boy bed transition. So much going on... lets add another one to the mix any day now!