Hello. My name is MMG and I love to climb. I need an intervention quick before my mommy loses her mind. Is there rehab for climbing? Some fancy center with yoga and icky protein shakes where everyone is famous and using an alias? I think my alias would be Gemadia. Sounds mysterious, doesn't it?
Okay, I'm going to need to some serious 'rearranging' and Grandy is going to have to get his hammer out of retirement and nail down a few things!!!
Thats impressive height and balancing skills. I am assuming she balanced otherwise you may have posted the after shot which would have been Maddie on the floor in a heap of defeat crying out for saving. Thats how Nolan often ends up. He likes to balance on the back of his trucks.
Oh goodness, Maddie and Trinity would get along just perfectly! She's definately the climber in our family. Yesterday she figured out how to get on top of our bar stools. I still can't figure out how...I just turned around and she was sitting there with that big "look what I did" grin. Maddie and her could share their climbing skills with each other. Maybe in August?!? ;o)
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