Now, I think this is awesome. I can almost see the little gears in her head amovin' and groovin' and it delights me to think that she is a genius. But, she thinks that because she has shoes in hand, we will be going out immediately. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch her play outside. Every little thing is a discovery but it's just not possible to go out on her every whim. It breaks my heart to tell her no but then she throws a mini-tantrum and I get over it. I roll my eyes (a habit I need to quell before she starts doing it) and think, "Ahh, a good time to teach her about all the unfair aspects of life."

She has also started coloring. This is something I have dreamed of for a long time. Long before the G was even around. I could see myself coloring with my little girl, watching her scribble little lines, then fill in the pre-printed pictures, and finally create her own little drawings for me to hang on the fridge. But, this has also led to some G tricks. The second I turn my head she eats some of the crayon...OK, not some, usually a GIANT chunk. I realize that this is something all kids do but man, it gets stuck in those tiny little tic-tac sized teeth and I spend the next 5 minutes with a damp papertowel wiping her mouth out trying not to get bitten.

But, despite my overdramatizing all this, the treats that she shares are well worth the tricks and I'm amazed everyday that she can be more awesome than the previous 24 hours!
By the way, we first tried those little creature crayons for itty-bitty hands but they are definately more trouble than they're worth. We've moved on to the big chunky crayons and are both having a much better time.
It's a good thing I read the entire post because at first glance I thought Maddie colored that picture! My boy, not that interested in coloring. Interested in chewing but never gets far enough to get them stuck in his teeth. He loves to fasten the velcro on his sneakers. I am jealous you can play outside. I'm coming to live with you next deployment!
This is an awesome post. Isn't it cool to watch them figure things out like this?
Elizabeth does something similar with her shoes. She gets really mad when Jenn won't let her go in the backyard after she's "ready".
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