M celebrated 11 months of life last week. She won't sit still with her little bear anymore but I was lucky to get her to stand still long enough to get this shot. Miss G took her first steps (4 of them) on Thursday, Decemeber 4 at 10:45 a.m. She took a few more Saturday morning but J hasn't gotten to see her walk at all yet. Hopefully I'll get some video of her toddling around soon.
Congratulations Maddie on your first steps! Yippee!!!
That's awesome! First steps rock.
I forgot again about the blog! What fun it was to see MMG as a ladybug and you and Josh in your costumes, too!!! Hopefully we'll get to see that hairdo when he's here after Christmas!! It's such a good look for him! (:
New hairdo? (JJ's comment) First steps are fun. She will be running before you know it so break out the ice and bandaids now cause if she's anything like Nolan there are some bumps and bruises in her future!
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