Well, J FINALLY finished our fence (ok, it still doesn't have a gate but let's not get technical). We are really enjoying having the backyard closed in and the nicer weather. M loves to be outside but the traffic made it too hard before. We've got a busy few weeks coming up. Friday night and Saturday we'll be going to Pensacola so I can take part 1 of 3 of my Florida Teacher's Exams (a 6 hour test, yuck) and then Saturday night J's squadron is having a Halloween party. Of course I don't have a babysitter yet. Honestly, so far, that has been the hardest part of being a parent :-). And, I realize that its hard to find someone to trust with your baby but at this point we don't even have anyone to give a chance! Bah!
There is also something else, non-G related, that has been bothering me. Why do people insist on leaving their grocery carts in the middle of the parking lot. Its always been a pet peeve of mine but here in N.O. it is worse. A few days ago I stopped at Target, Lowes, and WalMart. As I was getting M out of her carseat the woman parked next to me came out of the store, took her son out of the cart, then left it between our two cars (actually against my car) and drove away. She was pulling out slowly and her window was down so I felt the need (yes, I'm THAT person) to ask her why she would do that. I politely said "Excuse me, why are you leaving your cart resting against my car?" She says, quite nastily, "I have a child that I can't leave." and she sped off. Well, I have a child but I somehow manage to put my cart away!!! Its not like it was raining or cold or anything. So, after Target I headed to Lowes and started to pull into a spot but lo and behold, someone had left their cart there so I had to look for another space. Then, when I came out of Lowes someone had left their cart right behind my car. And, when I got to WalMart, I watched a man just give his cart a saucy little push, just far enough away that he could back out without bumping it. Hello, are we all really that lazy?!? If you are one of these notorious cart leavers, consider being annoying in another way that is much more worthwhile...like cutting me off when the road narrows from 2 lanes to one! Rant complete (until next time).
Totally understand your rant! I hate it too! People have started taking carts out the parking lot at the commissary and leaving them. It just annoys me! Either pay the kids to take your groceries out or bring the cart back into the store! Good luck on your test!
Dude...with you on that. I unload my groceries while Nolan is still in the cart then play speed racer with him back up to the store to put the cart away. He loves that I make car sounds and shake it while it rolls so it's extra fun for him. The lady has a poor excuse, that chick needs an exercise plan! Don't worry...I'm THAT person too :)I need to tell you what happened at Olive Garden.
Good luck on the test! I'm sure you'll do great. As for your rant, preach on! Although it really shouldn't surprise anyone that Americans are too lazy to put carts away. Just look at how huge we all are (collectively, I mean). Beyond that, people are just plain selfish. Sad but true.
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