Thursday, July 17, 2008

My bright (and slightly strange) future plans...

I figure that it's never too soon to start thinking of M's future (and planning to live vicariously through her, hee hee). In the previous post I already mentioned a her aspiration to be a pilot. Here are a few other choice careers that could be for our little girl:


Julia Roberts/Mick Jagger impersonator

Magician/escape artist

NASCAR superstar (move over Jimmie & Junior!)

hula dancer OR sorority girl

Shakespearean Actress

Journalist (she's already destroying the news!)

perfect daughter...well, she already is this one!

1 comment:

Tiffany Wickes said...

I love those pictures. I also love the increase in posts. They change so fast we almost have to update weekly to catch it all. Let's hope she opts out of sorority girl, Nascar driver is ok though; perfect daughter? Live it up now, for she just might discover sororities and by then you will be praying for Nascar! minues the whole redneck thing :)