Tuesday, December 16, 2008
First, 1st Birthday Party
We had a few friends over Sunday to celebrate G's 1st birthday before we go galavanting off across the US for the holidays. It was a great time and The G enjoyed being the center of attention (a real change for her :-). She dove right in to her cake and even wore the little I'm One! hat that I got (for a little while).
We got her a little pony to ride, it even hooks up to the TV and the image changes the faster she bounces. The pink cowboy boots are hand-me-downs that are still a little big but I thought they were just the flair she needed. Also, she's not quite tall enough to bounce well without them!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Winter wonderland
Well, supposedly we live in the south but on Thursday we had 2 inches of snow. At first it wasn't sticking but as it continued the ground was a blanket of white and everyone's Christmas decorations started to look like they belonged (instead of awkward like a birthday candle on a piece of steak). The first pic is when the snow began. You can't really see it but we took M out to experience her first snow. The second is G & I outside our house. J was night-flying so he was still home to take a couple pics.

Merry Christmas to us!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008
11 months old

M celebrated 11 months of life last week. She won't sit still with her little bear anymore but I was lucky to get her to stand still long enough to get this shot. Miss G took her first steps (4 of them) on Thursday, Decemeber 4 at 10:45 a.m. She took a few more Saturday morning but J hasn't gotten to see her walk at all yet. Hopefully I'll get some video of her toddling around soon.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Halloween Pics, Finally!
So, J had our camera in Israel and I didn't get the pics from Halloween until tonight. Here's a little glimpse of our holiday.

She was my little ladybug...1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12, and they all had fun, at the ladybug picnic!

Miss G in her Halloween duds. She's a "Snack-o-lantern"

My friend Kelly in the SWEETEST costume ever, Rainbow Brite!

"Michael Phelps"...sexy

I was a police lady and J was a guy I just tazed! (By the way, I was wearing shorts under that skirt.)

In big trouble...
So I don't know what I was thinking but my sister just informed me of a HUGE mistake I made in the last post. She & her husband celebrated their FIFTH wedding anniversary on November 8th (I better double check that date ;-). Sorry Sissy, you know I'm scatterbrained.
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