Saturday, August 23, 2008
Late nights are different than pre-MMG...
So, I had a crazy night last night and got barely any sleep! Now, in the past that would mean that I was out at a club or bar all night having a wild time. But this was very different. M has her first cold and J GAVE IT TO HER! She has slept through the night every night since April 7th...until last night. I knew she was sick so I was expecting it. She went to sleep around 10 p.m. (which is late for her), then woke up at 1 a.m. for a little milky snack. She slept for about 15 minutes then woke up again and we walked back and forth (back and forth, back and forth) around the living room until she went to sleep again just before 2 a.m. I fell right back asleep but she woke up again at 3 a.m. and we were up until 4, then up again at 5:30 until 7:30. We started our "normal" day at 7 a.m. with breakfast but thankfully she took an early nap from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Just in time to get ready to go to the airport to pick up Aunt J! Oh, you're wondering how J dealt with all the interruptions in his sleep. He used a technique I have yet to master...he just kept sleeping.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Taking a break with my Mom
I've been having a wonderful week of relaxing and hanging out with my mom. We haven't really done anything worth mentioning, just chatting, watching HGTV, and playing with MMG. Also right now I'm on a break from school. My fall semester at FSU starts up again next week (boo!), hopefully I'll be able to continue posting at regular intervals.
M is sitting up on her own now. She goes from her belly to a crawling position, then back on to her bum. When she did it yesterday my mom just happened to be videotaping. We both said "Yay! You're so good!" and she clapped for herself. It was sooooo cute. Unfortunately mom's video camera is the tape kind so I can't put the video on the blog.

Do you think when she's a teenager she'll be embarrassed that I put her pants on her head?
M is sitting up on her own now. She goes from her belly to a crawling position, then back on to her bum. When she did it yesterday my mom just happened to be videotaping. We both said "Yay! You're so good!" and she clapped for herself. It was sooooo cute. Unfortunately mom's video camera is the tape kind so I can't put the video on the blog.

Friday, August 15, 2008
Anybody out there???
I'm wondering lately if anyone reads this? I ask my mom and sister if they've seen the newest posts and they're like "Oh yeah, I haven't looked at it lately." If they don't read it, does anyone??? I guess I'll keep writing because its been such a nice journal for me. And, for some reason I do a much better job at this than paper-and-pencil journaling, scrapbooking, or writing in her baby book. What's that all about?!? I think its because I'll update the blog when I'm checking my friend's sites out. Thanks Moe and Tiffany for keeping me blogging. Plus, I think the two of you check in on my M news so for my two girls, Thanks. Man, this is a sad and pathetic post. Plus, I also know that I'm an overpuncuator. I LOVE the 3 exclamation points and the check-exclamation-check mark but I do realize it irritates some people, so this is my attempt at an apology. Oh yeah, I probably won't stop though. Here's a random pic of my girl so that this blog is still about her. And thanks for the jammies Meredith (if you're out there), they are our favorite.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We got to spend a little time at the beach while in Florida. And, after coating our pasty-skinned, I mean fair, baby with SPF 1,000,000 a couple of times we braved the water. She absolutely loved it. This wasn't too big of a surprise considering her minor fits when we take her out of the bathtub and how much she likes being in pools. I guess she doesn't just look like her daddy, she has his love of the water, too!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Home again, home again jiggity jig!
We had a wonderful time on our little "vacation." At least M and I did. J had 6:30 a.m. briefs so he was not enjoying it quite as much as my girl and I. The best part of all was seeing some of our dearest friends. M got to meet Addalyn who I'm sure will be one of her best buddies.

M and Addalyn
Also, we got to see the number one most wonderful and bestest family EVER while we were in Panama City. Matt, Candie, Mikaela, Chance, and now little Trinity are like our family away from home and we miss them desperately. Sadly, this visit was much too short and they are heading off to VA while we stay "here." Candie and I vow that one day we'll get our husbands back at the same base...even if it means that its Whiteman fellas!!! :-) We've known them since Candie was pregnant with Mikaela (2002) and she tried to convince me throughout our time at Whiteman, Vance, and Tyndall to have a baby. I always promised that I'd have #1 when she and Matt popped out #3. Well, I was only 3 weeks off. Trinity was born 22 days before MMG and I know they are destined to be true friends. Here are a few shots from the trip, and yes, I realize they're almost all of babies!

M & Trinity (who is 3 weeks older)

the girls at the beach

Mikaela's awesome pool, built with the help of Matt & J

Chance looking precious

Also, we got to see the number one most wonderful and bestest family EVER while we were in Panama City. Matt, Candie, Mikaela, Chance, and now little Trinity are like our family away from home and we miss them desperately. Sadly, this visit was much too short and they are heading off to VA while we stay "here." Candie and I vow that one day we'll get our husbands back at the same base...even if it means that its Whiteman fellas!!! :-) We've known them since Candie was pregnant with Mikaela (2002) and she tried to convince me throughout our time at Whiteman, Vance, and Tyndall to have a baby. I always promised that I'd have #1 when she and Matt popped out #3. Well, I was only 3 weeks off. Trinity was born 22 days before MMG and I know they are destined to be true friends. Here are a few shots from the trip, and yes, I realize they're almost all of babies!

Monday, August 4, 2008
On vacation
Well, I'm late getting the 7 month pic posted although I did take it last week. But, we are off on an adventure this week so it'll have to wait. We are staying in Destin, FL while J works then are going to Tyndall for the upcoming weekend to see some great friends...The Howards, The Nalepa's, and lucky us, The Reapers from Lakenheath!!! M and I are going to hang out by the pool at the hotel today (she's napping right now) then explore what there is to offer in walking distance (hopefully its not too far to the beach). We'll keep you updated on our exciting trip as it progresses, but no pics until next week (I forgot the dumb connector thingy).
Friday, August 1, 2008
7 months old!!!
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