I can't believe its been 6 months already. When she was born I felt like I had known her my whole life. That hasn't changed but with J at Lakenheath for the next couple days I also DEFINITELY remember life before her and it seems like just yesterday. Time is such a crazy thing...I know, I'm the first person to feel this way.
Monday, June 30, 2008
6 months old!!!
Well, the "standard" picture that I usually take of M is gonna have to wait. We're still at my parents' house so no crib to lay in and no bear blankie to sit with. Anyway, my mom made a red velvet cake and MMG got a few gifts for her 1/2 birthday, a tradition that will continue because her real birthday (Christmas day) is bound to get overshadowed. She got a swing for the tree in Gma and Gpa's front yard, a whole bunch of new adorable socks (for her giant feet), a Cardinal's onesie (more about that later), and homemade dresses (from Brooke and we'll have to take pics in those for sure).

I can't believe its been 6 months already. When she was born I felt like I had known her my whole life. That hasn't changed but with J at Lakenheath for the next couple days I also DEFINITELY remember life before her and it seems like just yesterday. Time is such a crazy thing...I know, I'm the first person to feel this way.
I can't believe its been 6 months already. When she was born I felt like I had known her my whole life. That hasn't changed but with J at Lakenheath for the next couple days I also DEFINITELY remember life before her and it seems like just yesterday. Time is such a crazy thing...I know, I'm the first person to feel this way.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Baby food
Most little girls dream of feeding a "real" baby when they grow up and get to be mommies. Well, my time has finally arrived. The rice cereal attempts never were successful but we've moved on to trying out pureed veggies. We'll have to add the cereal back in once we get home after our vacation to Grandma's. Anyway, M tried peas first on the 14th. She gobbled them right up. On the 17th we gave squash a try and it was an even bigger hit. Today M had sweet potatoes and ate the whole container in one sitting. I think we can safely say that she takes after her daddy in the eating department. I told her that if she likes sweet potatoes now, she's really gonna love 'em with brown sugar and marshmallow fluff!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
She's so curious about stairs. At first she was apprehensive but now she thinks they're pretty cool. Maybe because we don't have any at our house so they're an adventure at Grandma's or Aunt J's.
OK, maybe this isn't as cute to everyone else as it is to me but it cracks me up that she sleeps like this. She also rides like this in her stroller. There is no other way for me to describe it except for "chillin'." I know everyone LOVES the pink John Deere overalls. There's also a pink JD jean jacket...she's so hip!
Also, M went "swimming" for the first time a couple weekends ago. I use the term loosely because a giant storm blew in just as we got to the pool (you can see the icky sky in the background). We're planning on taking her again when we visit Aunt J this weekend. Hopefully we'll have better weather!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Separation Anxiety
So MM & I are without J until the beginning of July. And, while she's wondering where he is, I'm the one with the REAL anxiety. He's been gone plenty of times before and I always miss him but this is different. M changes so much every day that I just hate for him to miss out on any little part of her life. Right now she is so aware of her surroundings and LOVES to watch others eat and drink. She is obsessed with cups and has even had some drinks of water out of a big girl glass. Luckily, we get to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa until J makes his safe return.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
June verse
Trying solids...again
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