We just got back from M's first vacation! We drove 9 1/2 hours to St. Augustine, FL for a wedding. It was a wonderful celebration (lasting 4 days!) and our friends are the most amazing couple! MMG also took her first boat ride and saw the ocean.

We celebrated 3 months last week although this was her first "birthday" without a cake or party. She had a doctor's appointment (for some icky scaly skin that I was worried about that of course was nothing...the 1st of many pointless trips to the doctor I'm sure) and is now weighing in at a whopping 12 lbs. 11 oz. We've almost entirely moved on to 3-6 month clothes. The 0-3 month stuff is just too short for her long little body.
She's "sleeping" through the night, as in she doesn't eat anymore until morning, but she does wake up every night around 4 a.m. to have a chat with herself. This of course wakes us up, too so we're hoping she'll stop being so social so early! When I go in to check on her she always greets me with the biggest smile and it takes all my willpower not to pick her up!