Tuesday, December 4, 2007

No news yet!

Well, I had another dr's appointment today and there isn't much to tell. I'm not really having any worthwhile contractions and I'm sealed up as tight as Tupperware (sorry if that's too much info). The most recent ultrasound (last week) showed the baby weighing in at 6 lbs, 10 oz. She's still on track to be pretty hefty when she makes her big appearance. I'm thinking that I'll be evicting her in the near future before she crosses that 10 lb mark!

We went to J's work Christmas party on Saturday and I danced a little. It's not quite the same when you get winded after just a couple of minutes. I did win TWO Target gift cards in the raffle and my first thought was diapers, diapers, diapers. Not exactly what I was buying for myself last Christmas. We had a good time and I attached a pic so you could see us in all our decked out glory.

Hope the next entry gives details of little miss Lolly's arrival.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Well, all is going great except that this baby is SMASHED in my belly and she's stretching out every chance she gets. A lot of the stretching involves a foot in my ribs, an elbow to my side, and a bum sticking straight out by my belly button. We're getting the room all ready and I'll hopefully have it done soon. I start weekly doctor's appointments on the 28th and I think that will make the fact that she'll be arriving SOON very real. We're getting pretty anxious to meet her!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Introducing Baby Fogle...

Hope this helps to keep our far away family and friends up to date on Baby Fogle (aka Lolly). Our latest news is that she's BIG...3 lbs as of last week. Apparently that's about a half pound bigger than her counterparts. We're hoping it means that she's coming to meet us early, not that she's going to be the size of a 2 month old when she makes her big debut !